ChatStation is a skinnable
chat program for local area networks or the internet
that does not need a server. |
in a nutshell
- - Talk to your friends and colleagues in your local network
- - Chat with internet friends without registering
e.g. an ICQ account
- - No Chatserver needed, all participants just need to
start ChatStation
- - No installation needed, just extract and run
- - You define which computers receive your messages
- - Each participant can pick an own color
- - You can choose how to say something (e.g. ...
- - Even arbitrary actions are possible (e.g. ... gets
himself a donut)
- - The skinnable user interface can be replaced with another
in detail
ChatStation is a chat program suited for network or internet
usage. No chatserver is needed, simply run ChatStation on
every computer and after a quick configuration all users can communicate
with each other. Of course every participant of a chat session can
choose an own color. And beside saying, shouting or maybe
gasping your message you can perform any action you want
(e.g. laugh). ChatStation has a cool user interface and is skinnable
so the interface can be completely replaced by another. Screenshots and Product Tour »